
About Us

The JEP has been at the heart of Island life since 1890 and is Â鶹·¬ºÅ’s only daily newspaper. We are proud of our heritage but also committed to an exciting multi-media future.

In August 2021, the JEP was awarded the prestigious accolade of Newspaper of the Year at the British Press Awards, reflecting its importance to the Island and contribution to the community. 

The team is dedicated to making advertising as easy and effective as possible for our customers. We are specialists in advertising, promotion and marketing solutions. 

From global brands to sole traders, and everything in between, our client list demonstrates the strength of our brand, our unrivalled reach and our trusted position in the Island community. 

Our team know the Island like no one else and is well placed to help your business flourish.  

We also offer a wide range of creative services, from copywriting and editing to professional photography and video creation.

Find us on the 1st floor of Le Gallais Chambers, Bath Street, St Helier, just across the road from where the newspaper’s story began more than 130 years ago. Drop-in and join us for a coffee.

Â鶹·¬ºÅ Evening Post Ltd

Registered No: 27855

Registered Office: Â鶹·¬ºÅ Evening Post, 1st Floor, Le Gallais Chambers, 54 Bath Street, St Helier, Â鶹·¬ºÅ, JE2 4SU 


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