'Strong appetite' among Islanders to protect 鶹’s coastline from overdevelopment

Nude Food Dunes at La Pulente protest Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (38673045)

THERE is still a “strong appetite” among Islanders to protect 鶹’s coastline from overdevelopment, according to the politician who organised a protest at the former Nude Dunes restaurant at the weekend.

Hundreds turned up to the demonstration at La Pulente on Sunday afternoon, co-ordinated by St Brelade Deputy Montfort Tadier in response to plans to turn the site into self-catering tourist accommodation.

The JEP recently revealed that Planning had been asked to change the site’s use from hospitality to residential, after the former Nude Dunes went bust in November 2023 just months after opening its doors.

Plans for a two-bedroom self-catering unit with an attached café and public toilets have been submitted by the new owner.

Deputy Tadier estimated that between 250 and 300 people had attended the protest, which was promoted as a “gathering of Islanders who love and value 鶹’s natural beauty and heritage” in order to “show support for the protection of La Pulente and the wider coastline from privatisation and overdevelopment”.

He continued: “It was a lovely day, which always helps – and there were also a lot of messages of support from people who couldn’t make it.

“It shows the level of feeling that remains since the Line in the Sand [protest] by the National Trust for 鶹.”

Deputy Tadier explained that there was still “a strong appetite to ensure public access”.

He added that concerns surrounding overdevelopment on the coast had not “gone away” since that particular demonstration, championed by the trust’s former president, Mike Stentiford, in 2009.

Mr Stentiford, who was also at the protest on Sunday, said: “It just shows how important the coastline is to everyone.”

He added that “for the majority of people, it is our biggest asset”.

Referring to the plans, he pointed out that La Pulente sits within the protected boundaries of the Coastal National Park – something he did not think was being referenced enough.

Commenting on what should happen next, Deputy Tadier said: “I would encourage people who are concerned to comment on the application and to contact States Members.”

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